Why you benefit from this course
The impact of ICT decisions on business outcomes has grown with an order of magnitude. A common dictum is that with ICT, your company can grow faster broke than ever before. And if you observe how the life expectancy of business has been gradually reduced with every new decade, there is some truth in this saying.
Management and board members have in most cases a strong legal, financial, marketing or operational background. Very few come from an ICT background, except for ICT companies, of course. So, if you qualify for that description, this course is a must have for you.
The course agenda
Board members and managers charged with ICT governance focus on the end-to-end processes, the products and the organisation’s structure that contribute to the strategy execution. Subject to that focus, is the need to ensure that investments in ICT will deliver on their business value promise as well as having the risks and the potentially negative effects under control. To make sure you do this the right way, these five focus areas will support you to make the optimal assessments and decisions.
An overview of ICT technology and what it means to the business
The Impact of digital disruption
Evaluating large ICT projects
Infosec and privacy
AI, Analytics and (Big) Data Literacy
Separating hypes from trends
For a detailed description of the contents, click here.
Why attend
In one day you will:
Learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your present and future information systems
Discover the various options and components for data management and information analysis
Be able to assess the impact of technology on your business strategy
Improve your communication with the tech people
Make optimum use of information technology in your business plans
Know how to embed ICT governance in your daily practice
Get a practical insight in the value of enterprise architecture
For future use, you will receive a handout with extra contextual information about the slides plus the book “Business Analysis for Business Intelligence” which clearly leads you from strategy development to analytics implementation.
Who should attend
This course is ideal for any staff member, line manager, director or board member who wants to make better use of the ICT concepts in his day to day work as well as in his business and task planning. Are you a specialist in finance, marketing, sales, logistics, HR, advertising, legal or production? Then, this is the most inspirational day of the year for you.
About the contributors to the course
Our contributors have a strong background in linking strategy to ICT and back. Yes, "back" because ICT developments have shaken up entire industries either in one fell swoop or slowly and gradually, without getting noticed by their management. The team that developed the seminar, consists of experienced managers, enterprise architects and board members with an ICT background.
Your instructor
Bert Brijs is the instructor of this course. With a background in marketing, ICT, data analytics, data management, enterprise architecture and hands-on management experience in tech start-ups and large institutions, Bert gets ICT professionals and managers more focused on the strategic and technological issues at hand.
He is the author of Business Analysis for Business Intelligence and contributor to Data Analytics in Project Management. He is a regular speaker in seminars in the Netherlands, the UK, Norway and Sweden. Have a look at his blog: https://ba4bi.blogspot.com/