Life Sciences and KNIME Analytics...
A match made in heaven
Data science for life sciences has made immense progress with KNIME Business Hub. Governing the various Python and R scripts and documenting them in one repository is made easy. Have your interdisciplinary team of data scientists and subject matter experts (SME) govern and validate reusable objects. Encapsulate existing scripts in KNIME nodes and make them available to a broad range of users. A browser is all they need.
Use PMML and APIs to expose your visual workflows to execute them on grid computing or high performance computing environments once the final version is validated and released on the Business Hub.
First and foremost, KNIME’s intuitive graphical workflow builder enables biologists, chemists and other life science researchers to model molecules and assess their potential for further research and testing.​​

Up to now, the roles in life science research were split between “pure play” data scientists mastering Python or R to perfection and the SME who had some experience in these languages and soldiered on if the data scientists were too busy providing scripts to other colleagues.
Now they can have the best of both worlds. Consider this scenario: the SME models a high level workflow and the data science expert adds sophisticated Python or R nodes where needed.
All existing scripts are reviewed, harmonised and improved where necessary and encapsulated in well documented KNIME nodes. Via the KNIME Business Hub, these nodes are made available to the entire R&D team while securing data governance and data management on an enterprise scale.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.
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